ACVE is the New Zealand partner of the ICYE Federation, which stands for International Cultural Youth Exchange. ICYE is one of the most long-standing, personal and flexible youth exchange programmes in the world. Thanks to ICYE, thousands of young people have been making a difference around the globe.
The Aotearoa Cultural & Volunteer Exchange programmes are organised through the International Cultural Youth Exchange Federation (www.icye.org). ICYE is a Federation of 40 Full and Associate member National Committees. National Committees are autonomous. They develop and run the programme according to the needs of the youth of their countries, and following policies and guidelines prepared and adopted by the General Assembly of the Federation. As a New Zealand youth charity, ACVE is the National Committee responsible for running the ICYE programme in New Zealand.
ICYE proudly celebrates more than 60 years of experience - its programmes are constantly revised and modified to reflect changes in society at a local, national and global level. Today, ICYE is an international, independent, non-profit organisation with a significant presence in 40 countries across the world.
ICYE works with and is affiliated to:
United Nations Economic and Social Council ECOSOC (Consultative Status)
United Nations Department of Public Information, DPI-NGO Committee
World Council of Churches
European Commission, DG Education & Culture Youth Unit
Coordinating Committee of International Voluntary Service
On September 15, 1987, in recognition of “a significant contribution to the programme and objectives of the International Year of Peace, proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly”, the UN Secretary-General, Javier Perez de Cuellar, designated ICYE as a Peace Messenger.
ACVE will work with our ICYE partners worldwide to find the right international volunteering project for you. ICYE staff work closely with host projects to ensure that all of our international volunteers are valued and supported for the energy, time, skills, creativity and passion that each individual brings to their host project. As well as providing a vital role in terms of project support, you have the opportunity to create lifelong friendships, learn another language and become part of a vibrant and uniquely different culture to your own.
With an ongoing team of volunteers, ICYE host projects can achieve results that have a direct and positive impact upon the local community, particularly in terms of social, environmental and community development.
To be an international volunteer with ACVE means to integrate in the life and work of the hosting organisation and wider community. International volunteers are encouraged and supported to get involved in the planning and managing of distinct activities, take part in staff meetings, and to take on responsibilities according to their skills and interests, as well as the needs of the project. An important aspect of your experience is your active participation in the life of the community in which you will live and work.